Shopify marketplace app
We have developed a Shopify app that empowers you to leverage Marketing Automations for sending personalised postcards directly from your Shopify store. With, you can send postcards to all countries in the world.
Installing the app
You can install the app through our Portal. Simply sign in, go to Integrate > Integrations > Shopify and click Install.
Configuring the marketing automation
You will first have to install the Flow app from the Shopify store.
Then, you can add a new marketing automation flow.

For the Send Postcard flow action you need to fill out a couple of details.

In our example we use {{order.shippingAddress.firstName}}
as the firstName of the recipient. You can use the 'Add as variable' button to see all the available options from the Shopify flow. This can be different, based on the 'Trigger' for the marketing automation flow.
Testing your flow
During your testing phase, we suggest disabling the 'Send live?' checkbox. With it off, the system generates only test orders. When you activate the checkbox, it shifts into live mode, printing and mailing your postcards.
Always conduct a few test orders. Once you're confident in the appearance of your test cards, toggle the 'Send live?' checkbox to print and mail the postcards to your recipients.