Basic information about the API. You can find the technical API docs under 'Integrate' in the portal.
📄️ API Documentation
In this help center, you will mainly find information on graphical aspects, delivery specifications, links to data platforms, and other explanations.
📄️ Authentication and API Keys
Authentication with the API is done using API keys. For API requests, the API key can be sent along in the headers. The header key for this is x-api-key.
📄️ Example JSON
Note: Where 'tmpl_12345678900987654321' appears, the template ID should be entered.
📄️ API status codes
All status codes starting with a 2 (e.g. 201) represent success.
📄️ Address Validation
The Print.one API has support for address validation whenever you try to make a request. There is a general address validation which is done for all countries, but also address validation for some specific countries. You will find details on all of these validations below.
📄️ Rate Limiting
Unless otherwise stated in the API documentation, all endpoints have a rate limit of 60 requests every 30 seconds.
📄️ Idempotency
Our API supports idempotency for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. When creating or updating an object (order, template), use an idempotency key. If a connection error then occurs, you can safely retry the request without risking creating a second object (order, template) or performing the update twice.
📄️ Postman settings
Postman is an application which is used by many developers to test API's. In a lot of cases you do not need Postman. In most marketing platforms certain features are present to test API requests / webhooks.
📄️ CSV automation
With CSV files, you have an alternative way to submit orders. Each row in the CSV is considered as a new order (card).
📄️ Webhooks
Webhooks are HTTP callbacks which can be used to send notifications when data in Print.one is changed, allowing external systems to react to changes in this data. An example would be update a CRM or send a notification to other third-party software.