Power Automate

    Below a breakdown of all the required fields when setting up your Power Automate integration.

    Example JSON (inline variables):
    2 "sender": {
    3 "name": "Sender & Co. Ltd",
    4 "address": "Street 123",
    5 "postalCode": "1234AB",
    6 "city": "Amsterdam",
    7 "country": "Netherlands"
    8 },
    9 "recipient": {
    10 "name": "{Name}",
    11 "address": "{Address}",
    12 "postalCode": "{PostalCode}",
    13 "city": "{City}",
    14 "country": "{Country}"
    15 },
    16 "mergeVariables": {
    17 "firstname": "{Name}",
    18 "discount": "10%",
    19 "coupon code": "{CouponCode}"
    20 },
    21 "templateId": "tmpl_12345678900987654321",
    22 "finish": "GLOSSY",
    23 "billingId": "Attribute e.g. campaign name for cost allocation"