Zapier app
We have developed a Zapier app, which makes it possible for you to use Direct Mail automations from any connected app on Zapier. The Zapier app is available in the Zapier app store's easy-to-use API in combination with the Zapier app lets you send personalized postcards on demand and at scale.
Installing the app
You can install the app through the Zapier App Store. After installing the app, you can immediately start configuring the settings.
Select “Connect a new account”.
A window will pop up, asking you to authorise a sign-in request to
Configuring the Zap
After setting up your API keys in Zapier, you can start configuring the action of sending postcards. You will be asked to enter the following information:
This is your return address. Any postcards that can not be delivered will be sent here.
Templates can be created in the “Design Templates” section of the portal).
Merge variables;
After selecting a template, your merge variables will appear;
Enter a value for each merge variable to personalize the postcards.
This will determine the finish of your postcard.
Order type;
Test orders will be created and appear in the portal, but not sent to the recipient;
Test orders will not be billed;
Live orders will be sent and billed.
After all values have been filled, your Zap should look something like the image below:

Testing your flow
After configuring the Zap, be sure to test the Zap with an “Order Type” set to “Test”.
After the test has been completed, you can find the result in the “Orders” section of the portal.
Once you are happy with the result, change “Order Type” to “Live” and publish your Zap. Your Zap is now live and sending orders!