Batch offers two ways to send your cards: via drip or batches. Here, we answer the most frequently asked questions about the possibilities and limitations of batch shipping.
What is the difference between batch and drip shipping?
When sending batches, you send a quantity of cards at once, whereas drip shipping involves sending cards gradually based on a trigger. An example of drip shipping based on a trigger is sending a birthday card on an employee's birthday. In this example, the trigger is the birthday date (minus a few days).
How large should a batch be?
Batches must contain at least 300 cards.
What types of cards can I send in batch?
Currently, we support A5 and A6 formats for batch sending.
Can I also send cards abroad?
Currently, sending cards in batches is only possible to Dutch addresses.
What does it cost to send a batch?
Due to the generally larger volumes, we can offer competitive rates for batches. You can easily calculate the current price for your batch shipment on our website.
Can I provide address lists in CSV format?
For creating a batch shipment, you can easily upload a CSV file. You can easily map the information in the columns to the existing merge variables in your Design Template for personalization.
Can I send batches via the API?
In addition to sending batches via CSV import, it is also possible to use our API for shipping. You can read more about this in our API documentation.
What is the deadline for submitting batches?
If you submit your batch on Tuesday, it will be delivered the following week (spread over several days). Read more about shipping schedules.
What are the design limitations when sending in batches?
It is important to use a consistent design. Personalizing texts is not a problem, nor is applying (small) variable images.
Include a sender address
A sender address is required when sending in batches. This address will automatically be shown on the right side in the addressing area on the back of the card.